Understanding The Basics Of Sign Light Retrofitting

Sign light retrofitting is a great way to update existing signage and give it a more modern look. It involves replacing the lighting of an existing sign with new, more energy-efficient LED lights that will last much longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. This process can be done on any type of sign, including those made from wood or metal.

Read on to learn more about the basics of sign light retrofitting and some tips for getting started.

What Are the Steps Involved in Sign Light Retrofitting?

Sign light retrofitting is a process that involves replacing existing lighting with more efficient and cost-effective solutions. It is often part of a larger energy efficiency project, such as one aimed at reducing overall electricity costs.

The initial stage in sign light retrofitting is to evaluate the current lighting setup. This involves examining the types of lights in use, the amount of wattage being used, and any additional features that may be present. 

You need to consider how it will affect the environment too. For example, LED bulbs are generally more environmentally friendly than other types of lighting. Once these assessments have been made, it's time to start looking at replacement options that fit your needs and budget.

Next, you need to select the appropriate retrofit kit for your sign. A quality retrofit kit should include all of the necessary hardware and wiring needed to install the new lights. Make sure that the kit is compatible with your existing signage and any additional features you may have.

Finally, the actual installation process begins. This fairly straightforward task should not take too long to complete. However, if you are not confident in your abilities, hire a professional to ensure the lights are installed and programmed according to local building codes and regulations. 

Are There Any Special Considerations to Keep in Mind?

When retrofitting sign lights, there are a few special considerations to keep in mind. First, it's important to ensure that the wiring is done correctly and safely. This means double-checking all connections and making sure that all cords meet safety standards. Also, make sure that the voltage of the light is compatible with the existing system, as incompatible voltage can cause serious electrical problems.

Secondly, consider factors such as weather conditions when installing sign lights. Extreme weather conditions can cause wear and tear on components over time, so you need to choose materials that can stand up against these elements. Furthermore, it may be necessary to waterproof or otherwise protect against corrosion, if applicable, based on the environment where the light is being installed.

Finally, sign lighting should always be glare-free so as not to distract drivers or impede visibility at night. To ensure this, a thorough examination should be performed once the installation is complete, and adjustments should be made as needed for optimal clarity.

To get started on your sign upgrade, contact a sign light retrofitting service in your area such as Cardinal Sign Corporation.
